Waste Management
Global - 2000 will coordinate the development of a waste management system that does not produce toxic by-products such as toxic waste gases and fly ash, and chemical additives that leave harmful residues in the drinking water.
The project will require the development of a waste collection system in the industries of agriculture, utilities and city sanitation. The coordination of waste collection with local entities will create jobs, and entrepreneurial opportunities in freight management, collection and a waste management site for collection, and separation of waste and conversion of waste to fuel.
Agricultural waste can be collected from crop residues from harvesting and forest residues from timber and pulp, as well as, land thinned for fire protection. There is a large quantity of agricultural waste in the form of stalks, leaves, husks, shells, or even waste from animals.
Additional waste will come from bio-solids, mill wastes, black liquor created from pulp by-product and urban wood wastes.These wastes by-products through fermentation can produce ethanol fuel, and thermo-chemical production can produce hydrogen and Fischer-Tropsch diesel gasoline. Additional forms of waste can be collected from urban communities and industrial sites.