National Empowerment Plan for Socio-Economic and Community Investment to Deliver Maximum Results
Global-2000 offers practical courses of action that can provide sustainable Urban & Rural Development Solutions and to be the leader in assisting and impacting the health, financial success, educational support, community and human development regardless of race, color, age or national origin.
What Makes Us Different?
Our staff include African Nationals who understand the unique protocol essential for doing business on the continent. The relationships we have created between the domestic US Markets and Africa are an essential distinction that elevates Global-2000 over its peers and competitors in the industry.
We Promote Trade Development, Commerce, Investment, and Technical & Medical Assistance.

Established to supply badly needed resources, share intelligence, experience, technology and materialization. Motivated by our need to enhance socio-economic recovery and empowerment, (Trade Development/Investment).
We can use our industry contacts to find the right partner for projects and programs. We are prepared to tackle growth challenges with strategies and economically viable solutions via:
- Building trade linkages
- Gaining global market exposure for project owner
- Identifying investors and facilitate major infrastructure and engineering projects
- Initiating joint ventures and partnerships with pre identified trade experts
- Providing access to technology sources and materialization
Our seasoned staff, consultants and skilled partners are specialist in Performance Management, Planning, Trade and Leadership Development.
Reaching the under-served segment of the planet is our main purpose and goal. We have designed a variety of services that put much needed resources in the hands of the people who need them most. We don't look for the projects that everyone wants to tackle, instead we seek out the projects that have seemingly been overlooked.
Giving special attention to places neglected or deliberately overlooked which we find unacceptable and inexcusable in this modern era of technology and awareness and where there is global access to information far beyond ones physical reach. Finding those places and scenarios where balance and equity is needed to rectify such planetary woes and restore balance, fairness and peace once more.
Road Network
Global - 2000 and its partner’s offer project management, infrastructure design, project design and presentation, as well as, building architectural designs, construction to include, residential and commercial roads, and marine ports, airports and bridges.
Community Empowerment Centers (CEC) are institutions that provide technology transfer at all levels. Typically industries build facilities or bring in new technology that is managed by “imported” labor at the highest levels of administration and/or technical expertise.